Find physical activity you like!

I can't stress this enough. Yes it's possible to lose weight from diet alone but it's so much easier/faster if you're also getting some exercise.

I struggled with losing for months. I was working out a couple times a week, lifting weights and light cardio at the gym. I liked it but with work and family obligations I could only get there 3x per week at most. Lifting weights makes me super hungry so I was having a hard time sticking to plan, gaining and losing the same 7lb for 5 months. I was only 10-15lb to goal so this was super frustrating.

When COVID shutdowns happened I stopped going and eventually canceled my membership. I did nothing for months and felt like crap. I tried to go for walks but with 2 little kids and no daycare it was hard. Walking with them is at a snail's pace and they can't go far. Walking alone meant I had to do it when my husband was available to watch them. I finally decided to buy an exercise bike for my house. Now, riding a stationary bike was not my ideal cardio. At the gym it was SO boring. But it was the cheapest cardio equipment I could buy. Mine was $150 on amazon I think. I figured it would be better than nothing.

But it turns out I LOVE IT. I always said that if I had free time I wouldn't choose to exercise. I resented the time it took up but felt like it was something I just had to do. But I love to read. It's my favorite "me time" hobby. Now I can do both at the same time! Exercise no longer feels like it takes time at all. I do it for 45 minutes nearly every day now because it's the only time I get to read too. I can do it while the kids are running around or after they're asleep. And the weight is falling off (if you consider 5lb per month falling off which at this point I do).

Anyway, if you've given up on exercise because it's boring or you just don't love it, keep trying new things. There might be something out there for you and it really does help!

submitted by /u/nlwric
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from Wellness that Works.


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