Bad habit to break

I lost about 10lbs last September on ww right before it switched over to either blue, green, or purple. Then I found out I was pregnant. Woo!! Now baby girl is almost 2 months and I’ve been doing ww (blue plan) for a week or so. I lost 1.5 lbs! It’s been challenging to cook healthy meals and eat mostly 0 point foods when sitting home with an infant all day. I get bored easily and end up snacking on non-zero foods. I also “rewarded” myself with pizza the other night because I didn’t feel like cooking and my husband said he’d get pizza on his way home from work. Then the next night my in-laws came over and we bbq’d. Then I sat home all day today with a sleeping baby and just ate leftovers all day and didn’t track. I’m scared that the little progress I made is all gone because I have no self control. Ok, rant over.

submitted by /u/Jennanicolel
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from Wellness that Works.


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