Already struggling

Hey all. I'm a 26 year old female, 5'1. Starting weight was 150.7 lb and my weigh in from this morning was 146.8 lb.

Today I started week 3.

I know that I have technically lost weight, but I feel like I'm having a difficult time not giving in to cravings. I'm a major sweet tooth, and I love snacks like cookies and chocolate. I dipped into my weekly points a bit last week, but I was full of regret and kinda had a feeling like I had failed, which I know is silly. But I noticed today that I'm putting probably too much effort into finding ways to sneak more junk food into my diet by overanalyzing how many points are in specific amounts so I can "cheat" by saying "well, I gave half of that cookie to my boyfriend, so I can adjust the point counter and eat more"

I like the feeling of ending a day with a surplus of 2 or 3 points. But that goal is not on my mind until it's too late and I end up feeling guilty. How do I motivate myself and cut back on junk without feeling like I'm depriving myself?

submitted by /u/dickgunslinger
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