Weightloss Newb/Anxiety

I started WW on Sunday for the first time ever. I'm on the green plan if that matters. Also, I'm a 26-year-old female and I weigh around 240. My goal is to be 140 so I have a lot to lose here.

Every day except yesterday I've had a couple of daily points leftover. I'm measuring my foods and not overdoing it on zero-point items. I am eating significantly smaller portion sizes and my snacks are now fruits and vegetables rather than tons of chips and dip or a big bowl of ice cream. I really feel like I've been doing a good job and I feel proud of myself. Not only has my diet significantly improved, but I've also been exercising every day now. I've always been a total couch potato and since day 1 of starting WW I have been walking 2 miles each day on my treadmill. My goal is to do at least 2 miles per day 5 days per week.

I know I shouldn't, but I've been checking my weight every morning. Yesterday I found that I was basically the same weight as when I started. I know this is stupid because I JUST started and shouldn't expect to see any weight loss yet, but I got really disappointed. I'm scared that when I weigh in on Monday, the scale will be no different than it was on day 1 even though I'm doing so much work.

Is this normal? I've read that your body can retain water if you're exercising a lot and since this is so new for my body I wonder if that's what's happening. I know I'm not eating too little. As I said, I still snack, but I portion my snacks and they're healthy ones. I'm eating all but a couple of my daily points each day.

I'm not going to quit. I know regardless of what the scale says that I'm getting healthier just by getting more active and doing daily cardio to get my heart pumping. I just also really want to lose this weight so I can feel more confident. Help?

submitted by /u/chubbybunny____
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