Weight loss while maintaining Muscle

Hi everyone, hope you're all well. I'm a 21 year old male trying to lose weight while maintaining muscle mass. I'm doing 16:8 intermittent fasting, working out at home, & running almost everyday. I just add a few questions, and I'd appreciate if anyone could answer them for me.

Height: 5'11 Weight: 169 lbs Consuming around 1800 calories a day

1) How much is too little or too much protein? I weigh 169 lbs, and I ideally consume in a day 130g of protein (almost 0.8 * body weight) to prevent muscle loss. 50g of it comes from whey isolate scoops. When I have a rest day, since my protein demand wouldn't be too much I consume like 105g of protein (take out a scoop), cause I heard excess protein gets stored to fat. When I used to go to the gym, I'd consume almost 150g of protein, but since we're in lockdown I stay sedentary most of the day, so I'm not consuming much. Do you guys think my thought process is correct here?

2) Are rest days really that necessary now? Since I'm not pumping iron & doing bodyweight excersises instead, I'm wondering that since they're not as taxing I'd reduce it to only 2 rest days in the week. Is that a good idea? (I'd still try to run 7 days a week)

3) Are cheat days/meals really detrimental & counterproductive? My body is such that I gain fat very easily. I had planned that maybe I'd have a cheat day or cheat meal once a week, but I feel worried to indulge in case it really hampers my progress.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this long post, I'd appreciate any input!

submitted by /u/bolton-js
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