New member!

Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself. 34M here. Ultimate goal is to be down 50 lbs.

I started WW two days ago, after considering it for a quite a while. I’ve tried several other programs/methods: simple calorie counting, nutrisystem (yuck), etc over the past few years and pretty much always gave up (intentionally or “accidentally”) after a few weeks. Seems that once I start to see results, I fall into the “oh, I can reward myself” trap.

Well, after being overweight for about a decade (depression and apathy are killers), I’m fed up. I’ve felt so terrible about myself, that I have pretty much just hidden myself away and wasted ten years of my life. No dating, no vacations (“who wants to see me at the beach?”), I even avoid basic stuff like bars or bowling and shopping during normal hours; pretty much anything where people might see me. All of which just creates a feedback loop.

All that being said, I know I’m not dramatically overweight (which isn’t to say my 50 lbs isn’t a lot), but that’s just how deep it’s buried into my psyche. Well, I’m giving it one last go. I’m two days in and am really surprised at how fast my 29 points go (I’m phasing in as I come to terms with how terrible - and limited - my diet is). Overcoming my apathy and defeatist attitude will be difficult.

Reading through this sub is inspiring, and I’m really happy for everyone to see how successful you all are. I hope I’ll be able to join your ranks.

submitted by /u/casual_creator
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