Tracking grocery store samples?

Howdy! I’m in my fourth week of WW and have lost about 9 1/2 lbs so far. I’m REALLY loving the program. I’m wondering if and how anyone tracks samples they get on a weekend trip to Costco or Sams Club. I go every weekend for my bulk la croix and chicken breast (I’m a woman of few wants) and sample freely regardless of how many points a full size version of that thing would be. Tbh, I haven’t been tracking them at all and I’ve still been seeing results even with one meal a week that makes me dip into my weeklies (this gal needs something real carby every now and then).

I’m certainly not opposed to tracking the samples so I can be as accurate as possible in my points. Does anyone have tips or tricks for determining how many tricks a sample would be?

submitted by /u/feministdachshunds
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