Sneaking a scroll of your Insta-feed simultaneously throughout the day in between alternating between your emails and apps ? Between checking our social stats, sussing out the weather, stalking an ex, reading up on Mercury retrograde and scouring the internet for a dinner recipe, it seems near impossible to not somehow revert to our smartphone every few seconds. But despite our fixation on wanting updates *like now*, it might be time to serious about our scrolling habits and slow down our phone checking a notch… or ten, with the latest science study finding a high daily usage, is associated with dramatically high odds of obesity. Image: iStock In the latest study from Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla in Colombia, researchers found those who spend five or more hours on their smartphones per day have a whopping 43 per cent higher risk of obesity. Yep, that’s right, all that incessant checking not only leads to a higher likelihood of skipping the gym to snack...