This just feels so wrong, but in a good way

Dunno why the subreddit only allows text posts but here was my breakfast

my 0 point breakfast

Yesterday was tough. I went to a party with catered Italian food. After filling up to the best of my ability on salad and fruit, I got some broccoli and chicken francese, and about 60 grams of penne ala vodka, and then went onto dessert. 67 grams of cookies, 26 grams of cake, one chocolate covered Oreo later and my dailies were beyond wrecked. My goal this week was to have 31 weeklies remaining. Because over the past 3 weeks , I have gone over my weeklies by this amount (the biggest offender being a week with 5 events 3 weeks ago). Also when my fiance was having leftovers from the party for dinner while I was having water, I had an extra bite of penne vodka and counted it. Now I have 26 weeklies left. I'm ok with this, because this means I can aim to eat within my point alotment today and aim to be under by only 5 points next week.

I took home with me some more chocolate covered Oreos, cake, and brownies. The idea was to use these within my point alotment for the rest of the week, spreading out my eating of these high point treats.

Thus, with the goal of having enough points today to accommodate a few bites of the cake, I set out to have a 0 point breakfast. And man oh man. How could all of this be 0 points? I'm so full ! I don't even know if I should have cake later, this feels like a treat in it of itself!

I started WW on 5/27. I am 4'11, SW 130, GW 115 or 110 (see how I feel when I get to 115). CW is 122. I am beyond floored with 8 lbs weight loss in 5 weeks when "mindful eating" and "healthy cooking" did nothing for me over the past year. I have no will power to say no to treats and yummy foods at events and parties which I do often, and no surprise I have gained and maintained weight beyond my desired weight or even my long time set point weight of 120 lbs with my habits. WW appears to be a game changer, it's like magic. Some small adjustments here and there and being hyper vigilant about the amount of non 0 point foods i eat - and it truly works.

Thanks for listening! I want to hear your stories!

submitted by /u/sprinklemelove
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from Proven weight loss success since with 10% more Oprah


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