Celebrating another NSV!

About a week ago, I posted here that I found a Groupon to get a massage by a licensed massage therapist. I read on his page about him, and he is very good at massaging runners, athletes, and he has even massaged famous Olympians who have extraordinary testimonies.

At 222 lbs, I would never ever go to a massage where a man would see my body and touch it. That would be completely terrifying for me at that weight. Well, I purchased the Groupon and met with him today. Upon talking to him, I was intimidated by him, but I told him how I do run regularly and started just last year. I felt so funny telling him this as I’m not confident in myself all the time, and he’s an experience athlete and runner.

He was very kind, and eventually, he uncovered my legs and applied pressure and felt the strength of my legs. When he did this he said, “ooo, yeah. Nice, I can tell you run.” After giving me some advice on how to take care of my body after exercise, he also mentioned that I was in good shape. WHAT!? A year and a half ago, I would never hear those words.

Major NSV for me! I loved hearing that and told him I would be back as I do feel relieved tensions. Yay!! Remember to celebrate NSV!

submitted by /u/mcube27
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